Beauteniche.com is a place where you will find honest, easy to understand and detailed information on all kinds of beauty related issues. Hi, I am a professional beauty therapist with CIDESCO and CIBTAC qualifications. I have been in this field for the past 15 years. My aim is to make every woman and even men, regardless of their age, to understand how to take care of their skin, hair, body and health/wellbeing. Anyone with appropriate and accurate information can look and feel beautiful! It’s more important to take care of your skin and body on a daily basis than to go and get some radical and invasive procedure done. There are so much we can do to look after ourselves and I am here to make it easy and simple for you. Here you will not find any big words, jargon, gibberish and scientific information, rather this place is for anyone who just has a simple desire to improve and enhance their appearance in a healthy way.
Here you will find ancient to modern beauty secrets from all around the world. Our emphasis is on products that have ingredients which are organic and free of chemicals, artificial fragrances and preservatives. None of the product reviews are from paid endorsements, so you can expect real and honest opinions about what works and what doesn't. We do not review any product unless it is used by us personally.
Enjoy Learning!